Patients usually describe pain located towards the outer part of the arm. There is often local tenderness in the affected area (lateral epicondyle – a prominent part of the bone on the outside of the elbow). Gripping objects and movements of the wrist usually hurt (especially wrist extension and lifting movements) and some patients describe stiffness of the elbow, particularly in the morning.
Lateral epicondylitis commonly occurs between the ages of 30 and 60. It is just as common in men and women and can equally affect the dominant and non dominant arm.
It is a degenerative, non-inflammatory condition predominantly affecting the origin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) muscle. In racket sport players, it is believed to be caused by the repetitive nature of hitting a ball which leads to tiny tears in the tendon attachment at the elbow. The normal healing process does not occur. Other possible risk factors for developing the condition include taking up tennis later in life, unaccustomed physical activity and repetitive eccentric (controlled lengthening of a muscle group) contractions.
The diagnosis is made by clinical signs and symptoms which are usually fairly characteristic. There is usually point tenderness over the origin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle on the lateral epicondyle. There should also be pain on passive flexion of the wrist flexion and with resisted wrist extension (Cozen’s test). Both tests are usually performed with the elbow extended.
An X-ray will not normally show any abnormality. An MRI typically shows fluid in the ECRB origin and there may also be a defect in this tissue.
Depending on the severity of the tendon injury healing may be incomplete. The condition may progress from reversible local degeneration to non-reversible changes in the origin of the ECRB muscle to rupture of ECRB muscle origin and finally secondary changes of fibrosis or calcification can occur.