Patients usually describe pain located towards the inner part of the arm. There is often local tenderness in the affected area (medial epicondyle – a prominent part of the bone on the inside of the elbow). Some patients describe stiffness of the elbow, particularly in the morning. Shaking hands or grasping objects may be painful.
Medial epicondylitis commonly occurs between the ages of 30 and 60.
It is a degenerative, non-inflammatory condition affecting the origin of the flexor / pronator muscles of the forearm.
The diagnosis is made by clinical signs and symptoms which are usually fairly characteristic. There is usually point tenderness over the medial epicondyle. There should also be pain on resisted testing of the affected muscles (wrist flexion and pronation).
An X-ray will not normally show any abnormality. An MRI typically shows fluid in the origin of the affected muscles.
Depending on the severity of the tendon injury healing may be incomplete. The condition may progress from reversible local degeneration to non-reversible changes, to rupture of the muscle origins and finally secondary changes of fibrosis or calcification may occur.